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We have no FanFics at the moment if you have written a Fan Fic about Aaron Hannah or any of the Juniors please send it to
I love her.

Part 1:

It was a hot and sunny day and the juniors were in the studio learning the new dance routine to their new single Fool No More, in preparation for the shooting of the video next week. The dance routine was an upbeat fast one and they were all picking up on it very well, apart from Calvin and Hannah, so when the other juniors went for a break Gary their choreographer went through the tricky parts with Hannah and Calvin. They were always put together on tricky parts of a routine so that Gary can go through it with them separately. On a particular part of the dance Calvin has to lift Hannah up swing her around then put her down and she has to lean back on him as he holds her. While they were going through this part Gary got a phone call and had to leave the room, while he was out Hannah and Calvin decided to go through the dance on their own, when the tricky part came up it went fine, Calvin lifted Hannah up, swung her around then put her down, but when it came to the part where Hannah leans back on Calvin she lost her footing and fell back but Calvin managed to catch her, they both looked at each other, Calvin was looking into Hannah’s eyes in a way that no one had looked at her before, she was confused and so was he. Just then Gary walked in and Hannah jumped up immediately, “brilliant” Gary said, he had seen the way Calvin had been holding Hannah “ I love that move, I know lets add that at the end of the routine, go get the others and we’ll start now,” Hannah left the room to get the others without even looking at Calvin. The rest of the day consisted of Hannah and Calvin giving each other weird looks and the others all wondering what had happened between those two, especially Daisy as she had a crush on Calvin and had done since the S Club tour.

After they had finished they all headed back to the juniors flat. “Hannah are you O.K.,” said Daisy on their way in through the front door “yeah I’m fine, why?” “It’s just that you seemed a lot quieter today, and what’s with the avoidance of Calvin”

“Nothing, nothings wrong I’m fine, honestly”

“O.K. If you say so, but you know I’m always here if you need someone to talk to after all I’ am your best friend”.

“Thanks but I’m fine” came the quiet reply from Hannah. As the juniors gathered around the TV Calvin went and sat next to Hannah she said nothing.

“So Frankie what video did you get for us to watch then” asked Aaron, “what? I weren’t supposed to get a video, was I?

“Frankie” came the reply from the other juniors,

“We sent you out to get one this morning, don’t tell me you forgot.” Said Aaron “ if you didn’t go to the video shop where did you go then?” There was a silent pause, they all looked at Frankie and then “SHOPPING?!!!” said all the juniors,

“Well I was on my way when I saw this lovely sequined top in Top Shop, well you know what I’m like with clothes.”

“Yeah unfortunately we do” replied Stacey.

“So what are we gonna watch, theirs nothing on TV” said Calvin “well the shop is still open I could still get one, if someone came with me”

“I’ll go with you, just to make sure you don’t wonder into any clothes shops again,” said Aaron

“We’ll come as well,” said Stacey and Rochelle

“And I’ll come to get some popcorn” said Jay. Down at the shops they were all deciding on what video to watch, Frankie and Rochelle wanted a romantic film, but Aaron and Jay wanted a horror, just then Stacey said “why don’t we get the horror one, we’re always making the boys watch what we want and besides I really doubt that there are any romantic films in this shop that we haven’t already seen.”

“O.K.” replied Frankie and Rochelle,

“I just hope I don’t get too scared” said Stacey “it’s all right you can cuddle up to me if you get that scared” said Aaron, “thanks” replied Stacey as she blushed.

Meanwhile back at the flat it was just Hannah, Calvin and Daisy left there, Hannah and Calvin kept looking at each other both confused as each other about what had happened that day, “what are these new feelings that I have for Hannah”, Calvin kept asking himself, and “why do I have feelings for Calvin, Calvin of all people why not Aaron or Jay? Why Calvin the boy my best friend fancies,” Hannah kept saying in her head over and over again. Eastenders had just finished when the other juniors came in, “so what video did you get” Calvin called out from the living room “the one with the man that kills people on valentines day” replied Aaron “nice” replied Calvin “no it’s not, I’m gonna get scared, I don’t wanna watch it” said Hannah “please watch it, it’s alright, I’ll protect you Han, ” Cal said jokingly, “fine, but if I have nightmares I’m blaming you Cal” said Han. They all settled down to watch the film under their bed covers. Half way through the film Hannah jumped and hid behind Calvin, he could see that she was getting scared so he put his arm around her, her heart was pumping fast as she moved closer to him, they both laid there watching the film, neither of them were concentrating on it they were both thinking about each other. The film had finished and everyone was getting ready to go to bed, Calvin looked down at Hannah but she had fallen asleep he told everyone that he would carry her to bed. Upstairs he laid her down and put her cover over her, he looked down at her and whispered “you’re so pretty, if only I could tell you how I feel about you, but you wouldn’t feel the same”… “Oh my god” came a voice from the door way, Calvin turned round Aaron was standing at the door he looked shocked “Calvin did you just mean what you said” “we…eellll what part did you hear” replied Calvin “well all of it” “then yeah, but listen can we not talk about it here in case she wakes up”, they left the room and went into the boys room. “So how long have you liked Hannah for then” asked Aaron

“Well I guess I’ve always liked her, her smile, her personality but it all clicked the other day when we were all practising the dance, well she fell and well I looked at her and just felt this feeling inside me that I’ve never felt before, I think I’m falling in love with her”,

“Why don’t you tell her how you feel?” asked Aaron

“ I just don’t think that she’ll feel the same way,” said Calvin

“Well you’ll never know unless you ask, will ya” said Aaron.

The next morning they all had to be up early, today’s the day that they would be going to film the video, they were all sat around the table eating breakfast when Sally one of their chaperones walked in “right today we’re going to the airport as we’re filming today in Spain” “yeeeeaaaaahhhhh” came the response from all the juniors. A few hours later the juniors were on the plane on their way to Spain. Calvin sat staring at Hannah for most of the journey, she was sitting next to Aaron, they kept joking about and having fun, Calvin was jealous. As soon as they got off the plane they headed to their hotel, once they were inside Calvin went to talk to Aaron,

“How could you do this to me” Calvin said

“What are you on about” replied Aaron

“You, flirting with Hannah right in front of me, you know I like her but you still flirt with her, she likes you I just know she does”

“Cal I have no idea what your on about I weren’t flirting, I can’t help it if she likes me”

“Whatever, you’ve always gotten better then me, well I won’t let you take Hannah away from me I won’t” and with that Calvin shoved Aaron and he responded by hitting him back, they were in a fight when Hannah and Stacey walked by, the two of them tried to pull the boys apart and after a while managed to, Hannah pulled Aaron and Stacey had Calvin they were both very shocked, they were seeing if the boys were alright and Calvin saw Hannah wiping Aaron’s face and couldn’t bare to see her with him so he ran off, the girls looked at each other and decided Hannah should go after him.

Hannah found Calvin outside sitting on some swings, Hannah walked over to him, “hay what happened back there between you two, I’ve never seen you like that” asked Hannah

“Nothing, we were just mucking around that’s all,” replied Calvin,

“ Yeah right and I’m supposed to believe that you causing Aaron’s lip to bleed was just you mucking around, why did you hit him,” replied Hannah

“Just leave it will you”,

“NO! Now tell ….

“Because of YOU!”

“What?” Hannah said nervously

“I hit him because of you, I like you a lot and, well Aaron knew this and I saw him flirting with you and I know that you like him and I just couldn’t take it any more he was.…

“I don’t like Aaron, whatever gave you that idea?”

“Well it’s just that you seem to get on with him really well and you’re always with him it hurts me so much to see you with him”

“Yeah well do you wanna know why I’m always with him, it’s because… it’s because…. I’m sorry I’ve got to go.” And Hannah ran off.

“Hannah wait!” Calvin ran after her but couldn’t catch up with her, so he went back to their Hotel room. Aaron met him in his room they got talking and both apologised, Aaron agreed that he’d try and talk to Hannah about Calvin. That night they all went down stairs for a posh meal they were all dressed up, and as soon as Hannah entered the room Calvin couldn’t help but stare, Hannah was wearing a little red dress with thin straps and high heals “ She’s so beautiful, why can’t she feel the same about me as I do about her” said Calvin to Aaron,

“she’s beautiful what about Stacey, look at her I’ve never noticed how pretty she was” across the room Daisy was talking to Hannah “look at Calvin he’s so dreamy, I think I’m in love” she said to Hannah, Hannah just felt so upset that she left the room, Aaron told Calvin that he should go after her, so he did. Hannah was sitting outside on a wall, when Calvin went over to her, he put his arm around her, she pulled it off and got up, “what’s wrong” asked Calvin, Hannah didn’t reply “please tell me Han, I can’t bare to see you like this” She still said nothing, “Han is this about what you were gonna tell me earlier, about why your always with Aaron? Please Han answer me, please”

“I just can’t handle it anymore that’s all”

“What, what can’t you handle”

“Daisy. She keeps saying that she loves you all the time, and I hate it cos all I want to do is tell her that I …that I…

“That you what, what is it Hannah?”

“Don’t worry, it’s nothing”

“It’s nothing? Yeah right. Do you feel something for me Han?”

“No! And anyway even if I did we couldn’t do anything about it cos Daisy likes you”

“What, why? I love you Han I want us to be together”

“But we can’t, it’s not fair on Daisy I could never hurt her, she’s my best friend, I can’t talk about this anymore I have to go” Hannah turned away to walk off but Calvin grabbed her hand and pulled her back he pulled her in and kissed her passionately, she pulled away “why did you do that, you know it’s wrong” she said,

“Is it? Why, tell me what’s wrong with it, if you can give me one reason with what’s wrong with us being together then I will leave you alone”.

“Daisy, that’s a reason”

“Not a good enough one”

“Yeah it is, I just can’t hurt her, and she likes you too much. Look you like me a lot right?”

“Yeah, more then you’ll ever know”

“Then imagine how you’d feel if I was to go out with someone else, the one person you love to just leave you and be with someone else”

“I wouldn’t be able to handle it. It was bad enough seeing you with Aaron….

“Well then imagine how Daisy would feel if we were to go out, I just can’t do that to her sorry” she kissed him on the cheek and left, he just stood there alone, upset and he just broke down in tears “But I love you”. Just then Aaron, came out, he ran over to Calvin, “hey what’s happened” he asked, “Hannah,,, she said that she loves me”, “that’s great, but why are you crying?” asked Aaron, “because she said that nothing could ever happen between us, because she doesn’t wanna hurt Daisy, as she also loves me”, “oh, you got it bad” “ I know, and I know that Hannah loves me, I know that deep down she wants to be with me, why does she have to be so kind, can’t she just think of her self for just this once, she’s always thinking of others, why? I love her so much, why can’t she see that?” Calvin replied, “ I can go and talk to her if you want?” asked Aaron “thanks” he replied.

To be continued

By Charlie

S Cub Juniors trip to America
Friday afternoon.12:00pm at Calvin/Aaron/Stacey/Hannahs flat
ËœGuess what everyone!" Said their chaperone Sarah. were going to AMERICA!!!!!
All the juniors were all so happy they were all jumping up and down and being hyper but Hannah the usual hyper one. had been acting a little strange and that was odd even thought Hannah did feel a bit weird sometimes cause she was the youngest.
"so when are we leaving?" asked Frankie (the mum of the group).
"Well if you all get packed by tomorrow. We can make the flight!"
"Really , we are going to leave tomorrow???? Thats not enough time!!!!" Daisy said with the girliest voice ever.
"Yep that means you girls have to pack fast!" Sarah said as she left the room.
"Omg I can believe it we are going to America!!!! come on Calvin lets get ready!" Aaron said running up the stairs with Calvin behind.
yea come on.. Daisy and Rochelle and Jay my mum can drop you guys off at your houses.. Get your stuff and get us back here a.s.a.p so we can all sleep over here and go fast!! Frankie said.
okay bossy mum daisy said with a smirk on her face.
hey thats not fair Frankie said tagging along with her, Rochelle and Jay out the door.
well come on Han, we got to get packing! Stacey said all bubbly.
uh..yea hannah replied.
The other had come back to the flat at about 9:00 because of the girls not in the flat taking so long.
so what shall we do now until we have to get to bed? Frankie asked
Ëœtypical mum question Daisy whispered under her breath.
what Frankie had heard a bit.
um..I know watch a movie Rochelle said .Daisy and Frankie had a little fight in the car before about Frankies mum role in the group and she didnt feel like hear bout it again.
yea lets do that Calvin said.
a scary one Aaron said, knowing Frankie would disagree.. He has fancied her since the day she did the New Direction routine with her outfit and hair done all nice.
And just as he thought:
no way Aaron are you crazy???you know I dont like scary ones!" Frankie said with her puppy face on.
scary movie it is Jay said. He knew bout Aaron fancying Frankie cause Aaron told him just a short while ago he also told Hannah cause she shared a secret with him.
Ëœhey no fair Frankie said.
It'll be ok Calvin said Ill protect you giving her a tight hug. Then the jealous Aaron came out
yea whatever¦.come one Jay lets go get some snacks Daisy Rochelle.. You guys wanna pick out the SCARY movie dont pick out Bring it On like u did last time..ok? ˜Yea sure how bout you daze?Rochelle agreed.
ËœYea why not Daisy said as she put on her coat along with Rochelle Aaron and Jay and then they all left.
That left Hannah, Calvin, Frankie, and Stacey to get the den set up, tidy up and two to get all their bags for America into the big hall so they would be all ready for tom.
Ëœok Aaron spill ,you havent sed nutin since you asked Daisy and Rochelle to get the snacks??? Jay sed seeing aarons reaction.
ËœCalvin thats what.. Him flirting with Frankie all the time.. Just makes me so mad Frankie would have never giving into him that fast.. But now I think she is. Im gunna lose her jay ..what am I gunna do.?? Aaron said. Jay didnt know what to say cause Aaron seemed right.
ËœwellAaron waited.
Ëœim not sure jay sed but Frankie doesnt really seems that way .. Just a bit.
Ëœurghzzzz lets just hurry the girls must be waitin.aaron sed worrying even more.
~~~~~~~~~~~~back in the flat~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ëœok Stacey your doing the tidying up And im doing the den fix up and Hannah and Calvin you guys dont mind doing the bags? Frankie sed.
nope , Calvin smiled.. Ne thing for you"Calvin sed with a huge grim on his face.
****Hannahs mind****
Ëœomg he likes Frankie ..hes always flirting with her.. Doing things for her.. Sweet talking her why Frankie And also Daisy too! ughhh how could I let this happen its all my fault ..if I had just told him when I had the chance when we went to the Disney studio to practice for our upcoming performance there.. We were alone.. At least for ten minutes.. Ten very weird minutes..~ ~ ~ ~
Ëœhello earth to there Han? Calvin sed.Ëœoh Calvin I didnt know you were talking to me Hannah sed with a nervous voice.oh course I was dimples we are the only ones on this floor and I wouldnt be talking to myself ..would I? Calvin sed smiles at Hannahs dimples as she smiled.
Ëœyea of course you were Hannah sed as she forced a smile.
Ëœso um.. Ready for that scary movie? he asked trying to start a conversation.
yea always ya know me with movies Hannah sed.
yea do you think the girls will pick a girly movie or a scary one? he sed going on with the conversation.
Ëœoh well ya never know Hannah knew she was blushing but she couldnt help it. its a bit hot in here do mind if I open a window? yea sure uhh.. Ill do it for you Han. he sed.
oh thanks Hannah sed.
Ëœum.. Do u mind if I say tell you something. Its sort of important and I dont know who is best to share it with.. but you.. Calvin sed scared of what she would say;
Ëœumm.. Yea sure anything. Hannah replied wondering what it could be.
Ëœwell I have sort of been having these feelings. For um.. A member of the band ya know like more than a friend. And shes has been really a great friend and I dont know how she would react. Calvin sed hoping she would get the picture.
****Hannahs mind****
Omg he likes DAISY omg omg omg omg how could I wait this long .. What is wrong with me.. I just should have sed someth-~ ~ ~ ~
ËœHAN! Hello you there spaced out! Calvin sed worrying what was going on with Hannah.
Ëœoh sorry I just dont feel so good.. Im sorry .. Im going to lay down till the others come back and we start the movie. Hannah sed . She was almost in tears but wouldnt until she got upstairs. The second she got up the stairs tears poured out of her eyes. Then she hear a fellow member, dried her eyes and headed down stairs.
Were baaaaaaaaaack Daisys voice filled the house.
Ëœoh joy Stacey sed.
Ëœso what did you get? Calvin sed.
˜The Ring!!!!! Rochelle screamed! ˜omg no way im not gunna watch that..˜ Frankie sed terrified.
Jay nudged Aaron to say something.. And he had to do it fast.. Here came Calvin.
Ëœdont worry franx if you dont wanna watch Ill keep you company. Aaron sed.
Ëœoh thank so much but I mean it was your idea for the scary movie and it wouldnt be right if all of us didnt watch so I guess Frankie sed tryin to break a smile.
good thinking Frankie .. Um.. Ok so what now? Calvin asked.
Ëœok now we can gather the snacks and then sit to start the movie but first just one thing Frankie was then cut off by Daisy.
Ëœyo Frankie come on we can do things our own way ya know! Daisy sed looking mad.
Ëœwell sorry Daisy but then if we dont do this then everything is chaos. Frankie sed getting mad her self. and sometimes we need a little order.
Ëœlike now Rochelle interrupted.
umm.. Come on Frankie.. Hannah come get your p.js on with me.. Um.. Now! Stacey sed to separate Daisy and Frankie.
yea ok fine. Frankie sed.
They had gone up stairs leaving the others behind.
see Aaron that wasnt hard was it? Jay sed.
Ëœwell Calvin still had to say something! Whatever lets go upstairs. Aaron sed back.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Girls room upstairs~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ëœhey um..han I was wondering if you knew what has been goin on with Daisy. I mean you know her more than the rest of us do. She has been actin weird to me Frankie wondered.
ËœFrankie I wish I knew. She HAS been acting a little weird lately. Hannah sed.
Ëœim done guys Ill go down stairs stacey sed and then left.
Ëœyou mean like you? Frankie questioned.
what are you talking bout? Hannah sed nervously.
you know what im talking bout. Frankie replied.
Ëœummmm Hannah knew she would never get passed Frankie with this there was only one thing to do~
ËœWell you promised you wont tell anyone.. Not anyone! hannah sed worrying.
Hannah you know you can trust me with whatever it is
well Frankie I think Hannah paused. ˜ I think im starting to fall in love with Calvin.
Frankie stood there amazed.
~~Frankies Mind~~
She like Calvin? Good im not the only one who fancies another band member. Should I tell her about who I like? What should I do? Maybe well become more closer like I wanted to .. Itll be easier if I tell then well share something more than the band~~~~~~~~
Ëœreally han? thats so wonderful Frankie sed.
˜ it is .. But wont it be weird and I think he likes Daisy thats also why I dont know what is up with here its because I really dont wanna talk to her. Hannah replied.
Ëœwell han I think I can make u feel a bit better. I like some one too in the band! Frankie beamedËœits AARON!!!!
thats when Hannah almost screamed.. Aaron had told her awhile back that he liked Frankie and now Frankie told her that she liked Aaron! This was perfect!
ËœREALLY?? Hannah screamed sort of a bit loud.
Ëœshush dont be so loud youre the only one I have told! Frankie sed.
˜really? Hannah asked. ˜ I mean your not always like daisy was with me you always seemed to prefer Rochelle or Stacey , me and daisy thought it was because they were your age.
ËœHANNAH!!! Frankie exclaimed how could you think that you nutter.. I never thought that, you and daisy and just as good as hanging out with Rochelle or Stacey!
Ëœoh ok good Hannah sed feeling relieved.
Ëœso no spilling the beans right? Frankie asked.
˜ no way! Totally our secret! Hannah assured.
They had it all set they put a plan into action when they were all down stair to watch the movie.
There was 2 chairs that you can fit 2 ppl on each. Jay and Rochelle had already taken one.
Then there was 2 inflatable chairs from Hannah and Staceys room one was pink and the other purple so no boys would wanna be on them and there was also a inflatable mat for two people.
˜ hey han. You wanna go sit on the other chair with me? Daisy asked Hannah.
nah im gunna go get the snacks Aaron wanna help me? Hannah answered.
Ëœyea sure! Aaron sed.
Just then Daisy went over to Stacey.
˜ hey did you see that Daisy asked.
˜ you mean Hannah and Aaron? Stacey asked.
That was when the suspicions started.
When Aaron and Hannah came back with the food Stacey was on the purple chair, Daisy was on the pink which was next to Calvin, laying on the mat. Frankie had not come down yet. They passed out the food and Hannah plopped down on the mat next to Calvin.
˜ hay hanny han ready for >>creepy voice<< THE RING Calvin asked her.
cut it out Calvin ! Hannah screamed and threw a pink pillow at him.
˜ ewww pink .. Im poisoned! Calvin sed.
pink isnt posioness you bloke! Daisy sed cutting into what Hannah was not enjoyin now.
˜ hey Daisy stay out of this .. This is between me and Hannah calvin paused then lunged at Hannah and started tickling her.
˜ Calvin GET OFF ME !!! Hannah scolded but couldnt help to laugh hysterically.
Upstairs Frankie was still getting ready. She had on a hot pink top, that showed most of her belly, that sed ËœHot Chick and white pants with the word hot all over in hot pink. She added on pink lip gloss and light pink eye shadow but not too much since they would be goin to bed soon. Frankie then put on her pink fuzzy slippers that says I love me.
Then she went down stairs. Aaron was the first to look at the stairs.
!!!!Aarons Mind!!!!
Omg damn she looks hot hello Aaron this Frankie you are talkin bout band member friend oh what do I care I like Frankie and I cant change that .. Unless she likes Calvin like she always shows! Oh!!!!!!!!!~~~~~
Ëœhey ready to start the movie?
Frankie asked. where all the seats! ugh how rude now I have to sit on a stupid dinner chair Frankie tured to go into the kitchen.
˜ thats ok franx come sit over here with me Aaron sed.
Ëœreally? Frankie sed
Ëœyea Aaron sed.
Ëœthanks azza Frankie sed as she sat next to Aaron.
They started the movie.
Anytime something scary came or happened Frankie would shriek and then hide behind Aaron. Aaron wasnt scared.. But he thought he was in heaven with Frankie next to him.
Then the movie had ended and they had all gone to bed.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Next Morning 7:00 AM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
All the juniors had gotten up, ate breakfast and gathered in to the lounge for some last minute rules and info. Then all them went to the rooms to get changed. Frankie and Hannah in one room, the boys in one room and the other girls in the guest room.
All the boys wore black shorts. Calvin in a green shirt, Aaron in blue and Jay in gray.
Then Daisy had worn a denim skirt with a baby blue t-shirt that said lil baby gal and a blue hat with a dark blue bag that had a big Ëœdaisy (heheh) on the front and lastly addias blue shoes. Rochelle had on light green capris and a dark green tank that had the # 8 on it and black sandals, bag and a visor. Stacey had on a purple qaurter sleeved shirt that sed diva in pink, black pants, purple bag and black sandals. Frankie was embezzled in pink!
She had on pink top sayin Ëœstar, a light pink skirt, white sandals with pink strap and a pink bag. Hannah had a yellow tank with a black heart on it, yellow addias sneaker and a black 1 strap backpack and a yellow bandanna. Then they all gathered out in the backyard to wait for their luxury bus to arrive. They got on the bus and onto the plane where they had fallen asleep.
When they got to JFK in New York they had another bus waiting for them.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~On the Bus~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Frankie and Hannah sat next to each other Calvin and Aaron Daisy and Stacey Rochelle and Jay in the back cause they decided to go to sleep.
~~~Daisy and Stacey~~~
Ëœso umm.. Daisy last night when you came you to me ya know when Hannah and Aaron went to get the food. Did you mean what you sed about Hannah liking Aaron? Stacey asked.
Ëœwell yea I mean Hannah has been quite a bit distant lately to me. Daisy replied.
so do you think they like each other or going out .. And not telling us about it? Stacey wondered.
I dont know daisy sed puzzled. I wanna take a nap, dont wake me when we get at the rest stop.. I wanna sleep as she yawned.
~~~Hannah and Frankie~~~
˜ I cant believe it . I was laying next to him during so scary movie and he did nothing! Hannah sadly sed.
˜ oh Han dont think that way Frankie assured.
Well easy for you to say, you had Aaron right next to you with him you were as scared as you would have been if he wasnt there! Hannah complained. ˜ just like I told you he likes DAISY ..not me. And dont say he doesnt cause you know it too!
~~~Aaron and Calvin~~~
˜ so you liked the movie huh? Calvin asked.
Ëœyea totally Aaron answered. He was thinking how he liked Frankie holding on to his arm when ever she got scared.. With Frankie thats very often.
˜ yeah I mean since all u really did was stare at Frankie the whole time calvin sed wondering what he would say next.
˜ yea the was the best- hey!.. Was I that obvious? aaron asked.
Ëœwell to me and I didnt really wanna watch the movie.. I thought Hannah would be scared and do what Frankie was doing to you calvin sed shyly.
ËœDid I hear you right? You like Hannah? aaron sed. ~omg calvin likes Hannah .. Hannah likes calvin! Oh I could be the match maker !!!!
˜ yea I okok I like Hannah! calvin sed so fast he could barely understand him self!
˜ so I like Frankie you like Hannah .. This is great we can go on double dates!!! aaron beamed if Frankie liked me
Ëœyo man she is totally into you calvin sed but its Hannah I mean I tried telling her when you guys were gone before but she was like all distant after I sed that.. She sed she felt sick. I know she doesnt like me more than a friend to her we are like brother and sister. I thought that too but then when we were at Prom in the Park.
˜ I wouldnt think that if I were you aaron sed.
Ëœwait do you know something? Did Hannah say something to you? Come on aaron spill! calvin beamed.
˜ well something about a guy.. Two years older. Living in the same flat.. and being the most cutest most . What did she say . Oh yea most sexiest guy in all of England .. No in all of Europe!. Yep thats what she sed! aaron sed stretching it bit more.
˜ oh are you serious??? calvin was so happy should I say something now?
Ëœno! she sed she didnt want to tell in in front of everyone so maybe later Ill get Daisy, Rochelle and Stacey out shopping and ask Jay to get like some chips and then I could ask Frankie if she wants to go to that movie 10 ways to lose a guy she was talking bout it yesterday. Aaron sed.
˜ yea .. Thanx this will help so much!
~~~ Hannah was in the back where all the bags were and Frankie, Stacey, Calvin, and Aaron were in the front. Then all of a sudden Hannah came running up the isle almost crying.~~~
˜ omg guys I left chicken at home! Hannah sed what am I gunna do!
˜ hey Hannah calm down its ok well only be gone like 2 weeks. Frankie assured her.
˜ yea dont worry you prolly wont notice in like a day sed Aaron. Frankies right, you have nothing to worry about.
Sarah then called to them.
˜ rest stop guys .. Whos coming? she asked.
Only Hannah, Frankie, Aaron, and Calvin wanted to.
Frankie and Hannah went to the bathroom and the boys went into the gift shop. They just were looking around when Calvin spotted a toy DUCK!
˜ hey azza wouldnt that be perfect for Hannah .. Since she forgot hers? Calvin called to Aaron.
˜ yea you know.. Ill look for something for Frankie too. he replied.
Aaron showed him key chains that had names on them so Calvin got one for Hannah and Aaron also got a teddy bear for Frankie. So Calvin left with the toy duck and a yellow star key chain that sed ËœHannah and Aaron left with a pink heart key chain that sed ËœFrancesca and a light pink teddy bear that had a shirt on that sed Princess. They were able to get back on the bus without them seeing it and hid it in their bags. Then they began on the road again into Manhattan to their American Suites Hotel!

The Juniors
The Juniors

Frankie with her stylish clothes
Calvin with his puppy dog eyes
Hannah with her cheeky smile
Jay with his wicked dance moves
Then comes
Daisy with her long hair
Aaron with his love for tomato ketchup
Stacey with her frizzy hair
Last but not least
Rochelle with her amazing voice

And thats the 8 amazing people that we call

by Laura Turner (one of the makers of the site)