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This is where u can read interviews the juniors hav had. if u hav any plz email us at
Aaron, Jay and Calvin dished all the S Club goss when when we caught up with them backstage at the Pops...

Louise: What does the new song 'New Direction' mean to you all?
Jay: It's a new theme and it's much different to everything else we've done. It's Bollywood and it's totally different from everything that's out at the moment.

Amy: What’s it like being an S Club Junior?
Aaron: We really enjoy it. We like performing, we love the roadshows and seeing the fans.

Dionne: Do any of the boys fancy any of the girls?
Calvin: None of us fancy anyone. We're just really good mates. Like brothers and sisters.
Jay: We get on with them really well.
Aaron: Does that include S Club girls? Oh in that case, I really fancy Rachel.

Fizzle: Who's the bossiest out of you lot then?!
Calvin: I'd say Frankie. She's not bossy but she likes to keep us in order.
Aaron: She keeps ordering us to go and get sweets.

James: Do you believe that losing touch with your school mates is a price worth paying for stardom?
Jay: We'll never lose contact with our friends because that's what keeps you down to earth and you know, you've gotta have friends, otherwise you have no one.
Aaron: We go home quite a few times between singles and inbetween work we're always on the phone so we keep in touch.

Harry: Have you got any nicknames?
Jay: We have got some. Yes. Rachel is Rachede. Aaron's name is double A Ron. What's my nickname?
Calvin: Josephine. The girls call him Jazzy Baby or something. We need more nicknames.

Sam: Do other popstars treat you differently because of your age?
Aaron: I think they talk to us a bit more because as they're adults and they're kind of in competition with each other, but because we're children they don't see us so much as competition.
Calvin: We were on the Disney Channel the other day and Blue were messing around with us, like knocking on the door and running away.

Craig: What would you get up to if you could be invisible for the day?
Jay: A lot. I don't know.
Aaron: There's so much you could do. We'd need more than a day.

Josh: If S Club Juniors were in the Big Brother house, who do you think would be evicted first and why?
Aaron: That would be quite good to do. I think it would be probably Daisy because they'd get bored of her cos she's always asleep. But then when she's awake she makes up for that.
Jay: She's a bit of a Jade really. She probably won't thank me for that.

Ruth: What’s the most annoying question that you keep being asked?
Jay: Any questions about schoolwork. We get asked those all the time, mainly cos we're kids and people think we're getting off lightly.

Tina: Does it bother you Aaron that you’re known as "The Sensible Junior"?
Aaron: Not really. Because sometimes I'm sensible and sometimes I'm stupid. I think it's because I'm the oldest so I think people think I should be sensible.

Ffion: How did it feel to be picked out of thousands to be in the group?
Jay: It was crazy. It's the best thing that can happen to you. There was so many people there, it all felt so big and we never thought we would get in, but we are and it's cool.

TOTP: So guys, any final words to the fans?
S Club Juniors:Thanks for logging in, thanks for buying the singles and thanks for sending in your questions.

newsround interview

What's your favourite song on your album?
My favourite song on the album is You Are The One because it's slow and reminds you of Christmas.

What's been the highlight of the year for you?
The highlight of the year was when we were on tour. It made me feel like I had made it and that's a good feeling.

Who's your favourite member of S Club?
All the S Clubbers are great. They are all nice in their own ways but if I had to choose one it would probably be Jon.

What was the last story in the news that made you go wow?
The last WOW thing I saw in the paper was when Paul left S Club.

What's your favourite website?
My favourite websites are the ones you can listen to music on.

If you could be Prime Minister for the day what would you do to change the world?
I'd make no one have enemies. There'd be no war, only peace, and no one would be homeless.

What do you want for Christmas?
For Christmas I get what I get and I'm happy with it. My mum and dad surprise me - it's the thought that counts.

What's your favourite subject at school?
My favourite subject at school is dinner! Yum yum!

What do you hope to be doing in 10 years' time?
I want to be doing what I want to do - which is singing.


What's your favourite song on your album?
My favourite song on the album is 'You Are The One' because it is really lovely and reminds me of all the good times I've had with S Club Juniors.

What's been the highlight of the year for you?
The highlight of the year was finding out that we were going on tour.

Who's your favourite member of S Club?
My favourite member of S Club is Rachel because she is my idol and Bradley because he is funny.

What was the last story in the news that made you go wow?
The last story in the news that I thought 'wow' was when Paul left S Club.

What's your favourite website?
My favourite website is any - I'm not really into computers.

If you could be Prime Minister for the day what would you do to change the world?
If I was Prime Minister I would ban all weapons and make world peace.

What do you want for Christmas?
I want a video camera for Christmas because I can record everything I do in S Club Juniors so I can remember all the fun I had.

What's your favourite subject at school?
My favourite subjects at school are Art, Drama and English because they are fun.

What do you hope to be doing in 10 years' time?
In 10 years time I hope I will still be in the Pop Industry, maybe solo or something, but I'm interested in the Juniors at the mo!


What's your favourite song on your album?
Feel The Beat because it's a real poppy, disco song. I also like New Direction and One Step Closer.

What's been the highlight of the year for you?
When we first found out we were number two in the charts - also the tour and Top Of The Pops.

Who's your favourite member of S Club?
I like all the members of S Club because I like each of their personalities.

What was the last story in the news that made you go wow?
That we had an earthquake in the middle of the night and I didn't even know about it.

What's your favourite website?
Ones you get ringtones on.

If you could be Prime Minister for the day what would you do to change the world?
Ban all boring things.

What do you want for Christmas?
Money towards a video camera to film the tour next year.

What's your favourite subject at school?
Art, Music, Drama, Media

What do you hope to be doing in 10 years' time?
Hopefully doing something similar to what I'm doing now.


What's your favourite song on your album?
My favourite song on the album is You Are The One because it reminds me of Christmas and I love Christmas.

What's been the highlight of the year for you?
The highlight of the year for me so far is when we found out we were number two in the charts.

Who's your favourite member of S Club?
I don't have a fave member.

What was the last story in the news that made you go wow?
September 11th.

What's your favourite website?
Bolt Blue for Mobiles

If you could be prime minister for the day what would you do to change the world?
I would bring no more drugs or alcohol into the world.

What do you want for Christmas?
To be with my family and friends.

What's your favourite subject at school?

What do you hope to be doing in 10 years' time?
Being a children's TV presenter.


What's your favourite song on your album?

My favourite song on the album is Only You.

What's been the highlight of the year for you?

The highlight of the year for me was the tour.

Who's your favourite member of S Club?

My favourite member of S Club is Jon because he's a really good singer.

What was the last story in the news that made you go wow?

When we got to no 2 with Automatic High.

What's your favourite website?

Planet Playstation

If you could be Prime Minister for the day what would you do to change the world?

I don't know.

What do you want for Christmas?

I want new rollerblades for Christmas.

What's your favourite subject at school?


What do you hope to be doing in 10 years' time?

Singing in a solo career.


What's your favourite song on your album?

I don't have a favourite song on the album - I love them all!

What's been the highlight of the year for you?

I loved going on tour and I loved all the feedback from the crowd - I think that was my highlight of the year.

Who's your favourite member of S Club?

I love all the members of S Club - they are all really down to earth.

What was the last story in the news that made you go wow?

The last thing in the news that made me go wow was September 11 - it was so heart breaking for loads of people.

What's your favourite website?

My favourite website is my school one because I can speak to all my friends.

If you could be Prime Minister for the day what would you do to change the world?

I'd change the world by making everything peace and I would ban all weapons and knives and horrid things like that.

What do you want for Christmas?

For christmas I would like anything but I would like to be with my family and friends.

What's your favourite subject at school?

My favourite subject is PE

What do you hope to be doing in 10 years' time?

I'd like to be doing this but if not I'd like to be an actress - even though I'm not that good I would love to see what it was like


What's your favourite song on your album?

You Are The One

What's been the highlight of the year for you?

The highlight was when I was at the tour

Who's your favourite member of S Club?


What was the last story in the news that made you go wow?

That Hear'Say split up

What's your favourite website?

The S Club Junior Website

If you could be Prime Minister for the day what would you do to change the world?

I would give every tramp a home.

What do you want for Christmas?

I don't know what I want

What's your favourite subject at school?


What do you hope to be doing in 10 years' time?

I hope to be a presenter in 10 years.


What's your favourite song on your album?

My favourite song on the album is Feel The Beat because it's a really dancey track.

What's been the highlight of the year for you?

The highlight of the year would be winning best newcomer.

Who's your favourite member of S Club?

I haven't got one - sorry - they're all nice!

What was the last story in the news that made you go wow?

When we were number two in the charts.

What's your favourite website?

Ours because we get to know loads of new stuff.

If you could be Prime Minister for the day what would you do to change the world?

Make world peace.

What do you want for Christmas?

A new camera.

What's your favourite subject at school?


What do you hope to be doing in 10 years' time?

Still carrying on with S Club Juniors!